Monsters and Cartoons
So, I’ve been pretty slack with my blogging because my world has been filled with monsters and cartoons. I’ve been busy painting a whole new set of monsters at One40 in the recycling area to help people understand where everything belongs. It was pretty fun for me getting lost in my imagination, dreaming about what a bunch of mischievous monsters would get up to if let loose in a bunch of recycling rooms.

Techie Hipster with Blood Cells Mural at one40william
I also did my first big signage job for the “One40 Work” event, which I got my scissor lift licence for which was a bit of a milestone for me. It was a bit scary being up so high while painting, so before I came back to take it down, I had planned a trip to New Zealand for my Grandpa’s 100th birthday and while I was there I did the 198m jump off the Sky Tower in Auckland to help me with my fear of heights which was amazing and definitely helped me get over any fear. Although, when the Sky Jump guide asked me why I was doing the jump, he reminded me that it’s probably not a good idea to get into the habit of jumping off high things.

one40 Work
The last thing I wanted to tell you about was my latest mural at One40 which was for the Red Cross and Zetta. It’s probably my favourite mural I’ve done to date. It’s a bunch of gadget loving I.T. people and a couple of robots floating around on giant red blood cells. I love these new characters. Especially the beardy guy wearing a giant hat. So hipster.
Click here to see more photos in the gallery