Graphite Drawing Workshop
Hey everyone! Super exciting news! I’m going to be running a graphite drawing workshop. So to all those people who ask me how I do it, now you can find out!

Iris Apfel
It’s going to be held at The Art Space Collective which is an amazing little hub of creativity and is run by the loveliest ladies who have given me this awesome opportunity to use their beautiful space. The address is 80A Scarborough Beach Rd, Scarborough.
The workshop is on Saturday the 24th of September from 2-4pm so you could go and have a lazy Saturday lunch with your friends first and then spend a relaxing couple of hours creating your very own masterpiece or just picking up some new drawing techniques with a glass of wine, some tunes and some good creative company.
If this sounds like a good way to spend an afternoon to you Click Here to book in through The Art Space Collective website.